發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2012-04-02 潮流春色:OPI #H53-A Roll in the Hague、OPI #H61-Red lights ahead...where? (3924) (3)
2012-03-28 美鈔油墨:Deborah Lippmann #Money now sleep later (841) (10)
2012-03-26 流轉月光:Deborah Lippmann #The future is yours (1046) (3)
2012-03-25 微金暗紅:Deborah Lippmann #Dark fantasy (710) (2)
2012-03-21 人魚之夢:Deborah Lippmann #Mermaid’s dream (2072) (5)
2012-03-19 徜徉海灘:Deborah Lippmann #On the beach (1062) (10)
2012-03-15 蜜橘軟糖:essie #790-A Crewed interest (1801) (4)
2012-03-14 耀眼珊瑚紅:essie #789-Ole Caliente (1064) (1)
2012-03-12 奶油柔紫:essie #788-To buy or not to buy (1578) (2)
2012-03-11 桃色春光:essie #787-Tour de Finance (809) (0)
2012-03-10 活力鮮橘:essie #786-Orange, It's Obvious! (1082) (6)
2012-03-09 春芽嫩綠:essie #785-Navigate Her (1787) (6)
2012-03-07 雪白糖霜:ORLY #40047-Au champagne (589) (1)
2012-03-05 華麗救贖:OPI #N17-Save me、ORLY #Au champagne (2001) (2)
2012-03-03 藍綠光燦:Finger Paints #Motley (590) (1)
2012-03-01 對比光燦:Finger Paints #Asylum (648) (3)
2012-02-22 穿上瑪麗珍:超簡單~甲彩變身四連發彩繪 (2416) (1)
2012-02-21 飄雪的天空:CDNE邱比特溫變指甲油#CW557+Sinful Colors #Smoking hot (1308) (1)
2012-02-20 貼紙彩繪:essie #766-Glamour Purse+彩繪貼紙 (897) (0)
2012-02-18 懷舊磚屋:Deborah Lippmann #Brick House (685) (0)
2012-02-15 白天鵝與黑天鵝:essence #01-Dance the swan lake、#05-Grand-plie in black (1380) (0)
2012-02-14 白珍珠與黑珍珠:Chanel #511-Pearl drop、#513-Black pearl (1319) (2)
2012-02-13 神秘禮盒:Glossybox 二月份情人節限量禮盒 (1127) (2)
2012-02-10 熊熊愛侶:Sunwoocosme #TA055、#TB058 (885) (6)
2012-02-08 香甜棉花糖:Revlon #300-Contton candy (1118) (2)
2012-02-06 Sparitual 2012早春系列(III):Sparitaul #80170-Hidden reef、#80408-Ripple effect (1375) (5)
2012-02-04 Sparitual 2012早春系列(II):Sparitaul #80414-Lucid、#80409-Ebb &Flow (904) (5)
2012-02-03 Sparitual 2012早春系列(I):Sparitual#80407-Deep、#80415-Undercurrent (843) (0)
2012-02-01 給我一雙奶油好命手:居家簡易手部保養 (26067) (2)
2012-01-30 年度回顧:Polish Mania最愛的2011年度甲彩(下) (2156) (4)
2012-01-28 年度回顧:Polish Mania最愛的2011年度甲彩(上) (2613) (2)
2012-01-20 新春甲彩特輯:過年打麻將穩贏精選 (1878) (11)
2012-01-18 Polish Mania特別企劃 • 2011甲彩年度風雲榜 (1183) (9)
2012-01-17 晶瑩霜白:essie #Pure pearlfection (2285) (2)
2012-01-16 閃亮時光:essie #Shine of the times (2052) (4)
2012-01-14 金黃糖漿:essie #As gold as it gets (1823) (2)
2012-01-13 粉紅鑽飾:essie #A cut above (1705) (2)
2012-01-12 鑲上寶石:essie #Set in stones (1551) (1)
2012-01-11 與狼共舞:Sparitual #80166-Running with wolfes (425) (0)
2012-01-10 善變褐灰:Sparitual #80167-Sacred Ground (611) (1)
2012-01-08 眨巴眨巴大眼睛:Lancome蘭蔻飛俏大眼濃密睫毛膏 (699) (3)
2012-01-07 暗夜星光:ORLY #40026-Androgynie (621) (0)
2012-01-05 粉紅香檳:Sparitual #80293-Knowledge、Sparitual #80146-Strength (799) (0)
2012-01-04 派對亮點:ORLY #48732-Ingenue、#48734-Oui (689) (3)
2012-01-03 搖滾礦味:ORLY Mineral FX collection- #Emberstone、#Rococo A-go-go、#Rock solid、#Stone cold (589) (1)
2011-12-29 夢幻雪姬:三明治疊擦法+Konad #M59 (2497) (7)
2011-12-28 流星奏鳴:Sparitual #80405-Illumination (617) (2)
2011-12-27 絲光紫莓:Sparitual#80047-Shooting Star (560) (0)
2011-12-26 極致金黃:Sparitual #80168-Solstice (557) (3)
2011-12-24 紅色鈴鐺:China Glaze #Ring in the red(含與China Glaze #Ruby Pumps的比較試色) (901) (0)