目前分類:Deborah Lippmann (29)

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2012-07-05 Deborah Lippmann 2012春季甲彩․折射金屬色三款:#Sugar daddy、#Private dancer、#Swagga like us (3127) (3)
2012-06-27 Deborah Lippmann Run the world girls 霓彩指甲油組 (2323) (3)
2012-04-19 清涼柳橙汁:Deborah Lippmann #Yellow brick road (964) (5)
2012-04-17 俏皮藍紫:Deborah Lippmann # I Know what boys like (899) (3)
2012-04-15 夏日玩心:Deborah Lippmann #Girls just want to have fun (1341) (1)
2012-03-28 美鈔油墨:Deborah Lippmann #Money now sleep later (841) (10)
2012-03-26 流轉月光:Deborah Lippmann #The future is yours (1046) (3)
2012-03-25 微金暗紅:Deborah Lippmann #Dark fantasy (710) (2)
2012-03-21 人魚之夢:Deborah Lippmann #Mermaid’s dream (2072) (5)
2012-03-19 徜徉海灘:Deborah Lippmann #On the beach (1063) (10)
2012-02-18 懷舊磚屋:Deborah Lippmann #Brick House (685) (0)
2011-12-16 閃亮變身:Deborah Lippmann 2011年假期系列 (2617) (4)
2011-12-15 天堂階梯:Deborah Lippmann #Stairway to heaven (2981) (7)
2011-12-14 我愛夜生活:Deborah Lippmann #I love the nightlife (1605) (3)
2011-12-13 性感燦紅:Deborah Lippmann #Do ya think I'm sexy (1274) (5)
2011-12-12 閃爍金指:Deborah Lippmann #Shake your groove thing (1465) (3)
2011-12-06 閃爍紫莓紅:Deborah Lippmann #Good girl gone bad (1440) (8)
2011-11-27 亮片躲貓貓:Deborah Lippmann #Marqueen moon (917) (3)
2011-10-24 指甲的BB霜:Deborah Lippmann #Turn back time (2568) (6)
2011-10-23 穿梭宇宙:Deborah Lippmann #Across the universe (2589) (10)
2011-10-17 黯黑紅寶石:Deborah Lippmann # Ruby red slippers (1901) (5)
2011-10-13 黯黑秘戀:Deborah Lippmann #Bad Romance (1500) (3)
2011-10-06 裸色奢華:Deborah Lippmann #Naked、#Some enchanted evening (2866) (1)
2011-10-05 華麗秋色:Deborah Lippmann #No more drama、#Superstar (2934) (2)
2011-10-04 鑽石星光:Deborah Lippmann #Today was a fairytale (1506) (3)
2011-09-15 粉紅糖果店:Deborah Lippmann #Candy Shop (2939) (3)
2011-09-13 歡夜派對:Deborah Lippmann #Forget You (2063) (3)
2011-09-13 指間派對:Deborah Lippmann #Get This Party Started (2849) (0)
2011-06-22 夢幻詩意:Deborah Lippmann #Glitter in the air (3604) (7)