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2011-12-22 閃亮聖誕:China Glaze # Poinsettia、# Holly-day、# Twinkle lights (837) (3)
2011-12-21 【Polish Mania~♥ 指甲油是生活必需品】臉書粉絲專屬贈獎活動來囉~! (349) (0)
2011-12-20 彩寶光燦:OPI #HLC07-Designer… de better!、OPI #HLC08-Warm & Fozzie、OPI #HLC09-Rainbow connection (3640) (3)
2011-12-19 古銅福滋熊:OPI #HLC08-Warm & Fozzie (1264) (0)
2011-12-17 布偶過聖誕:OPI 2011假期系列The Muppets (2089) (3)
2011-12-16 閃亮變身:Deborah Lippmann 2011年假期系列 (2617) (4)
2011-12-15 天堂階梯:Deborah Lippmann #Stairway to heaven (2981) (7)
2011-12-14 我愛夜生活:Deborah Lippmann #I love the nightlife (1605) (3)
2011-12-13 性感燦紅:Deborah Lippmann #Do ya think I'm sexy (1274) (5)
2011-12-12 閃爍金指:Deborah Lippmann #Shake your groove thing (1465) (3)
2011-12-09 夢迴寶萊塢:OPI #I52-Royal Rajah Ruby (1561) (3)
2011-12-07 萊拉炫磁指甲油:LAYLA Magneffect #5、#6、#10 (1588) (5)
2011-12-06 閃爍紫莓紅:Deborah Lippmann #Good girl gone bad (1440) (8)
2011-12-01 瘋狂試色:36款甲彩一次登場! (6555) (12)
2011-11-29 彩鑽拼貼:Zoya #ZP488-Dami、#ZP263-Roxy (604) (0)
2011-11-27 亮片躲貓貓:Deborah Lippmann #Marqueen moon (917) (3)
2011-11-21 經典牛仔藍:Nubar #Jeans collection牛仔褲系列 (1403) (6)
2011-11-17 奢華版奶油:OPI #H34-At first Sight、Milani #Gold、Essie #741-Kisses & Bises、CND # Emerald Shimmer (1309) (4)
2011-11-16 一眼瞬間:OPI #H34-At first sight (2696) (3)
2011-11-15 電光閃藍:OPI #U04-Swimsuit...Nailed it! (1134) (4)
2011-11-12 低調與不低調之間:棕褐色系虹彩眩光甲彩 (1376) (2)
2011-11-10 奶油駝膚:essie #773-Brooch the subject (2878) (3)
2011-11-09 煙灰孔雀綠:essie #772-School of hard rocks (1711) (1)
2011-11-09 高雅寶石紅:essie #771-Size matter (1793) (8)
2011-11-08 煙灰柔紫:essie #770-Bangle Jangle (2372) (1)
2011-11-07 煙灰深藍:essie #769-Bobbing for baubles (1379) (1)
2011-11-07 簡練藍灰:essie #768-Cocktail bling (3510) (2)
2011-11-05 淡金灰綠:TONY MOLY #TR12 (885) (0)
2011-11-02 華美孔雀石:Tony Moly #GS01、GS03、GS07、TR05 (1412) (7)
2011-11-01 閃亮旋律:Tony Moly #GS01、GS02、GS03、GS06、GS07 (1181) (2)
2011-11-01 叛逆藍調:Chanel #Blue Rebel (1684) (1)
2011-10-31 2011聖誕限量彩妝:錯過不再的年終採購盛事! (2254) (4)
2011-10-30 丹寧雪花染:Zoya # ZP 569-Dree、Zoya #ZP571-Marina、OPI #T24-A-taupe the space needle (1699) (6)
2011-10-29 抹茶羊羹:OPI #T34-Uh-oh roll down the window (2317) (13)
2011-10-25 綠意棕褐:OPI #T24-A-Taupe the space needle (1691) (0)
2011-10-24 指甲的BB霜:Deborah Lippmann #Turn back time (2568) (6)
2011-10-23 穿梭宇宙:Deborah Lippmann #Across the universe (2589) (10)
2011-10-17 黯黑紅寶石:Deborah Lippmann # Ruby red slippers (1901) (5)
2011-10-13 黯黑秘戀:Deborah Lippmann #Bad Romance (1500) (3)
2011-10-11 斑斕鳥羽:ORLY 2011秋季甲彩- #Nite Owl、#Peachy Parrot、#Sweet Peacock、#Fowl Play (1465) (1)
2011-10-08 魔幻棕金:T-sing魔幻磁性指甲油 #2 (1083) (2)
2011-10-06 裸色奢華:Deborah Lippmann #Naked、#Some enchanted evening (2866) (1)
2011-10-05 華麗秋色:Deborah Lippmann #No more drama、#Superstar (2934) (2)
2011-10-04 鑽石星光:Deborah Lippmann #Today was a fairytale (1506) (3)
2011-10-02 迷人杏灰褐:essie #766-Glamour Purse (2893) (2)
2011-10-01 微綠駝色:essie #765-Case study (2325) (0)
2011-09-29 宛如仕女:essie #764-Lady Like (5763) (3)
2011-09-28 鬱綠深灰:essie #763-Power clutch (1782) (0)
2011-09-27 懷舊紅棕:essie #761-Very Structured (1544) (0)
2011-09-26 酒釀黑櫻桃:essie #760-Carry on (1840) (2)